1994-1995 SEASON

Anne-Marie Donovan, Artistic Director

High Tension |  Oct 21, 1994  |  Seagram Museum, Waterloo

Featuring the Penderecki Quartet

Featuring works by Krystof Penderecki, Linda Smith, Randolph Peters, John Oswald, Stark and Henryk Gorecki

Interactive Solitudes |  Nov 18, 1994  |  Seagram Museum, Waterloo

Featuring winners of the 1994 NUMUS Interpreter’s Competition

Featuring works by John Oswald, Kazuo Fukushima, Toshio Mayuzumi, Francois Morel, Andre Prevost, Peter Hatch, Boyd McDonald, James Dillon and Christos Hatzis

This That is Beautiful  |  Feb 10, 1995  |  Seagram Museum, Waterloo

Featuring works by Peter Hatch, Georges Aperghis, Robert Zuidam, John Rea, Frederic Rzewski, Paul Bendzsa and Denis Gougeon

Propellor Heads  |  March 31, 1995  |  Seagram Museum, Waterloo

Featuring performances and works by Henry Kucharzyk and Peter Hannan

Big Broadcast  |  March 31, 1995  |  Maureen Forrester Recital Hall, Waterloo

Featuring Arraymusic

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